Brazilian Lives


Who we are

We, Brazilian citizens, deeply indignant with the acts and omissions of the federal government, which has not been able to fight the pandemic and guarantee the life and health of the population, have decided to exercise our right and our duty to fight, in a legitimate way, according to the constitutional precepts, to change this state of public calamity in which we find ourselves.

Our initiative is not affiliated with political parties or any organization or association. We are members of Brazilian civil society, and we come from very different fields, origins and beliefs. What unites us is the urgent need for changes in the political and administrative conduct of Brazil, especially in the area of ​​health.

First of all, we value democracy and legality. For this reason, we have formulated a request to stop the President of the Republic. The list of crimes of responsibility and breach of decorum committed by Jair Bolsonaro is extensive. We want to stick to the most serious and urgent: our health.

It is necessary to save lives!

Of the more than 440 thousand deaths so far caused by covid-19, many could have been avoided if the federal government had made science-based decisions, with public and collective health actions and strategies and with a vision of appreciation for human beings.

President Jair Bolsonaro despised the seriousness of the disease, insisted on the advertisement of chloroquine and drugs for "early treatment" without proven efficacy, disdained the use of masks, encouraged disrespect to quarantine and social detachment. Nor did he implement specific protection strategies for vulnerable population groups, such as people living in villages, in situations of confinement, and those whose housing and working conditions make it difficult to socially isolate.

The government did not plan to buy tests and vaccines, and the president lied about the side effects of some immunizers, leading part of the population to reject vaccination, the only recourse for collective immunity. He also confronted partner countries in the supply of vaccines, such as China.

The situation is especially serious in the states of the Amazon, where patients have died from lack of oxygen in hospitals. Official documents attest that the government has been alerted about the scarcity of the product, without organizing any emergency supply strategy.

The right to life and health is in our Constitution. President Bolsonaro has not been able to secure this basic right. In view of this, we made a request to stop the President of the Republic, for the unprecedented violation of the right and our lives. We call on all Brazilian citizens to support this legitimate request before it is too late, before more lives are lost!

This order is signed by Ailton Krenak, Chico César, Cristina Serra, Fábio Porchat, Felipe Neto, Hermes Fernandes, Julia Lemmertz, Júlio Lancellotti, Ligia Bahia, Marcelo Gleiser, Raduan Nassar, Vanderson Rocha, Veronica Brasil, Walter Casagrande, Xuxa Meneghel, and everyone who signs it here on the Vidas Brasileiras website.

